Claudia Münch JustSweet in Balkan

Maybe more competition than we are used to, but it’s a fact that more and more people are looking for sugar replacement. We’re not going to comment much about our competition, but we will say that Claudia Münch JustSweet is the most universal of what you might find in a shop.

It has no Polyols, so it can’t kill your dog*, it will not give you a stomach ace as Polyols do if you consume too much and for some, too much may be very little. JustSweet has no artificial sweeteners, so it will not pollute nature as some artificial sweeteners do**.

25-50 times sweeter than sugar

Value for money is important and the price and weight don’t always give an indication. The product on the right side of JustSweet seems to have the same sweetness as sugar (1:1). Has 300 g in 1 pack and costs 6,99, while JustSweet costs 7,49.

So, it means that the other product cost EUR 2,33/100 g, a much lower price, but when you do the math, 7,49/25 (times sweeter than sugar), you end up with 0,30 EUR/100g – and in many or most cases, JustSweet will be 50 times sweeter than sugar, so EUR 0,15/100 g.

The only Prebiotic sweetener 

As far as we know, Claudia Münch JustSweet is the only prebiotic sweetener in the market. It’s good for you!

* Some Polyols are poisonous for dogs
** Read the research report on (Artificial sweeteners – An ignored environmental threat)

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