#stayhome | until the end of May?

By the end of May we hope you can go to your local supermarkets without any restrictions. It may be that lack of movement, exorcise have made you some kg heavier, but if you live near a Megamarket Interspar in the Balkan area, ex. Slovenia, you may be lucky and find our natural and vegan certified low calorie sweetener, JustSweet Original.

  • 25-50 times sweeter than sugar.
  • Used to sweeten tea and beverages*
  • For baking
  • For cereals
  • For almost anything where you use sugar
  • It’s Vegan
  • It’s Prebiotic
  • It’s NON-GMO!
  • It’s Natural!

Taste like sugar, but it’s not!

We will also make the product available online for those who don’t live close to a Megamarket Interspar. For more information, please visit our main web-site, sorze4.com 

*If you want to sweeten coffee beverages, JustSweet Premium is our best solution. It’s a little more expensive, but as the Original taste like sugar in anything but coffee, the Premium version was made specifically for coffee drinks. In our opinion a sugar substitute should taste sugar, and JustSweet does exactly that, but Coffee is a special case, so we had to make a special version. To avoid making the very good Original version more expensive we decided to offer a Premium version.

This does noe mean that the Original can’t be used in sugar. In our opinion, it’s better than any other sugar alternative on the market, also in Coffee! 


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